My Dad

posted in: Family, Relationships | 0

My dad died when I was only 19 and I never really had another father figure after that. Both my grandfathers had already passed away and my mother never remarried. Maybe the lack of a strong male role model in … Continued

Be Still and Know…..

posted in: Inspiration, Nature | 2

“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence.” –Mother Theresa There are some places on this earth that affect everyone in an almost spiritual way. Whether the places … Continued

Never Letting Go

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

My mother passed away six years ago today and she has been on my mind. I just called her friend, Jean Johnson, who met my mother when they were in elementary school together and has been her best friend ever since. Jean … Continued

Inspired by Nature

posted in: Nature, Philanthropy | 1

Nature has always been a very important part of my life thanks, in part, to the influence of my parents. When we were kids, my mother would take us to a beautiful little patch of woods (The Mount) where we … Continued