Plants that Attract Hummingbirds to Florida Gardens

IMG_3348Below is a list of plants that have been recognized for attracting hummingbirds in Florida. All plants are linked to pages for more information. If you know of any plants that should be added (plants the hummingbirds love in your yard) contact me and I will add them when I get the chance. Also, I created this list several years ago so if you know of any of them that are now classified as invasive, please let me know that, too.

Please plant for hummingbirds! You’ll be glad you did.


Native Plants Listed in Bold
Select plant name for more information.
FS=Full Sun, PS=Partial Shade, Sh=Full Shade
Scientific Name
Common name
Bauhinia variegata
Hong Kong Orchid
Tree 20-40′ 20-30′ FS-PS; deciduous; fast grower; high drought tolerance; moderate salt tolerance
Callistemon citrinus
Red bottle-brush
Tree 10-15′ 10-15′ FS; evergreen; prefers acid soils
Cordia sebestena
Geiger Tree
Tree 25-30′ 20-25′ FS-PS; evergeen; high drought and salt tolerance
Jatropha integerrima
Tree 10-15′ 10-15′ FS-PS; evergreen; well-drained soil; may freeze back to the ground in cold weather but comes back from roots.
Buddleia spp.
Butterfly Bush
Shrub 6-10′ 6-10′ FS; susceptible to frost; moderate salt tolerance
Clerodendrum paniculatum
Pagoda Flower
Shrub 6-10′ 6-10′ FS-PS; low salt-tolerance; well-drained, dry soils; evergreen
Erythrina herbacea
Shrub 3-5′ 4-8′ FS-PS; well-drained soil; salt and drought tolerant; deciduous
Hamelia patens
Shrub 8-10′ 4-6′ FS-Sh; well-drained, moist or dry soils; can die back in freeze but comes back from roots
Hibiscus coccineus
Scarlet Hibiscus
Shrub 6-8′ 2-3′ FS-PS; low salt tolerance; dies back to ground in winter; moist to wet soil
Ixora coccinea
Shrub 10-15′ 3-6′ FS-PS; low salt tolerance; well-drained, dry soils
Sophora tomentosa
Necklace Pod
Shrub 5-6′ 3-4′ FS-PS; high drought and salt-tolerance; well-drained, dry soil
Justicia brandegeana
Shrimp Plant
Perennial 2-4′ 3-6′ FS-Sh; may freeze back to ground; well-drained, dry or wet soil; no salt tolerance
Justicia carnea
Perennial 2-4′ 1-3′ FS-PS; may freeze to ground; well-drained soil; no salt tolerance
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal Flower
Perennial 2-4′ 1-3′ FS-Sh; needs wet soil; low salt tolerance
Mirabilis jalapa
Four o’clock
Perennial 2-4′ 1-3′ FS; well-drained soil
Monarda punctata
Dotted Horsemint
Perennial 2-4′ 1-3′ FS-PS; moist, well-drained soils; no salt tolerance
Odontonema strictum
Perennial 4-6′ 3-4′ PS; well-drained soil
Russelia equisetiformis
Firecracker plant
Perennial 2-4′ Indef. FS; well-drained soil; spreads; can be used as contained plant
Salvia coccinea
Scarlet Sage
Perennial 2-3′ 2-3′ FS-PS; dry soil; well-drained soil; drought tolerant
Salvia elegans
Pineapple sage
Perennial 2-4′ 3-6′ FS-PS; well-drained soil
Aloe spp
Ground Cover 0-1′ 1-3′ FS-Sh; well-drained soil; dry soil; high salt tolerance
Stachytarpheta mutabilis
Pink Porterweed
Perennial 4-6′ 4-6′ Full sun to Part Shade; average water needs
Salvia greggii
Autumn Sage
Ground Cover 1-2′ 3-5′ FS, well-drained soil; dry soil
Sedum Spectabile
Showy stonecrop
Ground Cover 1-2′ 1-3′ FS; well-drained soil; dry soil
Bignonia capreolata
Cross Vine
Vine vine 30’++ FS-PS; moist, well-drained soils; evergeen; spreads quickly!
Campsis radicans
Orange Trumpet Vine
Vine vine 30’++ FS-PS; moist, well-drained soil; cold and salt tolerant; spreads quickly!
Lonicera sempervirens
Coral honeysuckle
Vine vine 10-15′ FS-PS; does best in moist, fertile soil but will tolerate drought; poor salt tolerance

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