Why there will be trees in Heaven
Oh course, none of us really knows what happens after we die. But I have this theory about Heaven. I think that if there is a Heaven, then it will be filled with everything that we took the time … Continued
Oh course, none of us really knows what happens after we die. But I have this theory about Heaven. I think that if there is a Heaven, then it will be filled with everything that we took the time … Continued
My date and I had just finished a quiet, candlelight dinner for two. Afterward, we stood on the boardwalk overlooking a beautiful full moon glistening off of silvery waves. We stood, wrapped in each other’s arms, listening to the crashing … Continued
As the only national nonprofit partner to the National Park Service, the National Park Foundation directly supports America™s over 400 national parks by pursuing three distinct, yet interdependent, areas of focus: PROTECTING America™s national parks through critical conservation & preservation … Continued
DonorsChoose.org is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. Public school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on their site, and you can give any amount to the project … Continued
“The real meditation is how you live your life.” Jon Kabat- Zinn One of my new favorite artists that I have learned about in the last few years is Pontus Jansson, an artist from the island of Öland in Sweden. … Continued
?? Playing For Change arose from a common belief that music has the power to connect people regardless of their differences. In 2005, a small group of film makers set out with a dream to create a film rooted in … Continued
” As more people opt for spiritual growth outside organized religion, we tithe to the individuals or organizations who provide us with spiritual nourishment – those who support our spiritual growth or remind us of who we are.” Dr. Kyre Adept, the Spiritual Law … Continued
My husband and I used to collect rocks when we traveled to different places. When he passed away, I had a LOT of rocks. Most of them have been incorporated into my home and garden in different ways. This is … Continued
I didn’t write this but I think it’s worth sharing. How to Stay Young – Author Unknown* 1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay ‘them.’ … Continued
Nature has always been a very important part of my life thanks, in part, to the influence of my own mother. My mother was an artist at heart. She loved to garden, paint and dabble in various forms of arts … Continued