Poem from feral cats to the guardian angels that help care for them

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Most of my very good friends are cat lovers. They either own cats, foster cats, or in some instances, have taken on the caregiver role for feral cats or stray cats. I wanted to write a thank you note from a cat’s perspective to one of my good friends who is a guardian angel to a cat community near her home. I asked Google AI and this is the poem that resulted from that search, with a few minor changes of my own:

In shadows we roam, with cautious eyes,
A silent whisper, a fleeting prize.
Though we may not purr for the food you give,
Your kindness nurtures and helps us live.

We greet the dawn with a wary glance,

A bowl of bounty, our only chance.
No gentle strokes, no playful chase,
But in your offering, a moment of grace.

The rustling leaves, our lullaby,

Your quiet steps, a soothing sigh.
We’ll never be pets, but we understand,
A human’s touch, in a feeding hand.

So thank you, friend, for the care you show,

A little comfort, where the wild winds blow.
In the stillness of night, our hearts will say,
A silent “thank you,” each and every day.

For more information about caring for feral cats , visit this article on the saveakittyca.org website: https://www.saveakittyca.org/feral-cats.html

If you have a favorite organization that helps shelter or care for homeless animals, please let me know about them in the comments below.

And if you want to send a friend a cute card for taking care of feral felines, this is the one that I sent my bestie: Cat Thank You Card

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