Beauty Never Fades
Once a week, no matter how busy I am, I take an afternoon off and just sit and stare at the clouds. It’s not always easy to rearrange my schedule or put my deadlines on hold to carry out this … Continued
Once a week, no matter how busy I am, I take an afternoon off and just sit and stare at the clouds. It’s not always easy to rearrange my schedule or put my deadlines on hold to carry out this … Continued
I had just been through such a rough day at work, that all I really wanted to do was to stop by the beach on my way home and spend a few relaxing minutes trying to unwind. When I got … Continued
I’ve started hiding money around my house. Not a lot. Just ones and fives. Maybe an occasional ten. Nobody’s going to get rich if they find it, but when I’m doing a really thorough house cleaning (which believe me, isn’t … Continued
My mother is losing her eyesight, so when we get together, I read the clues to her so she can still do crossword puzzles. “It’s a long word,” I say. “It means ‘tardy one’”. “Latecomer?” she responds. Darn, how does … Continued
I often step in tortoise poop. At least that’s what I think it is. When we built our home many years ago, we were determined not to disturb the local wildlife that lived on this particular piece of the earth … Continued
I feel like such a geek sometimes – a complete nerd – when it comes to nature. I spend my time on my property kneeling down to get eye to eye with tortoises and slugs and caterpillars. When I am … Continued
Oh course, none of us really knows what happens after we die. But I have this theory about Heaven. I think that if there is a Heaven, then it will be filled with everything that we took the time … Continued
My date and I had just finished a quiet, candlelight dinner for two. Afterward, we stood on the boardwalk overlooking a beautiful full moon glistening off of silvery waves. We stood, wrapped in each other’s arms, listening to the crashing … Continued
As the only national nonprofit partner to the National Park Service, the National Park Foundation directly supports America™s over 400 national parks by pursuing three distinct, yet interdependent, areas of focus: PROTECTING America™s national parks through critical conservation & preservation … Continued