Unlikely friends
I was one of those people who were lucky enough to meet and marry my perfect partner and experience real, true love. I know not everyone gets to have that and I never took for granted how lucky I was … Continued
I was one of those people who were lucky enough to meet and marry my perfect partner and experience real, true love. I know not everyone gets to have that and I never took for granted how lucky I was … Continued
Most of us have heard the quotation above. It is a quote from Hamlet by William Shakespeare: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Shakespeare also penned the line “a rose by any other name … Continued
Before I met my late husband, I was a very capable woman. I did a LOT of things for myself, including building some of my own furniture. I never really doubted how capable I was. But then I married a … Continued
When I met the man who later became my husband, he came supplied with one big, old worn out dog named Chip (short for Chocolate Chip). I walked into his house and smelled the dog smell and saw the little … Continued
You Only Live Once You only live once. What a terrible shame To not really enjoy it, and place all the blame On money or fate, or a world filled with strife Not seeing that WE can create our own … Continued
Ever since I was a young girl, one of my dreams has been to build my own home. In my mind, I could see myself out on this beautiful piece of land with sweat on my brow, dirt on my … Continued
“If the stars came out only once in a lifetime, all of us would be out to see them and would be left speechless by the grandeur of that sight…but when they shine every night we go for months without … Continued
“Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.” — Epictetus I’ve been a lot of different people in my life. Not very many of them were really me. Because I was such an insecure child, I became both … Continued
All The Way – A Poem by Betsy S. Franz Okay So nothing lasts forever Your pets will die Your job will end Your kids will grow and move away Your life will end The world will end Sure … Continued
I used to always seem to be running late. I’d wake up in the morning early enough to have plenty of time to get to where I wanted to go. But by the time I found myself on the road … Continued